Consulting, mentoring and coaching for business growth

I love to help business owners like you achieve their goals and more by deploying digital marketing, technology and growth strategies to help them recognise the opportunities within their business. This will ultimately lead to you finding your ideal clients and increasing your profit (or getting more time off).
Specialising in the digital arena, I can help you recognise any untapped sources of commercial growth in order to take a larger, more profitable slice of the relevant market.
I work with an incredibly diverse range of clients across a wide range of industries, but l do have a sweet spot for businesses in the health & wellness, technology and creative industries. I love to get to know each business owner, understand their pain points and help them devise a plan to achieve their goals. It’s great to feel their motivation after a coaching call, follow the momentum of their journey and then see the results of the plan once implemented.
Regardless of how hands-on you want to be with your business, I can help you save time and frustration with strategies specific to achieving your goals which are both time-honoured and cutting-edge.
What I offer

Business Consulting
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Business Mentoring
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent eleifend justo in leo vestibulum, et congue justo lacinia. Maecenas a aliquam odio, sed euismod nibh. Etiam nec iaculis nisl. Vivamus dignissim, lorem vel iaculis hendrerit, velit libero molestie mauris, ut vehicula libero diam id nisl.

Business Coaching
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent eleifend justo in leo vestibulum, et congue justo lacinia. Maecenas a aliquam odio, sed euismod nibh. Etiam nec iaculis nisl. Vivamus dignissim, lorem vel iaculis hendrerit, velit libero molestie mauris, ut vehicula libero diam id nisl.
This is for you if..
- You have clients, just not enough of them.
- You get great feedback and word-of-mouth referrals, but inquiries and sales aren’t steady or predictable.
- You have plenty of ideas but trouble discerning the great ones from the rest.
- You’re prone to changing direction and sometimes lack follow-through.
- You need clarity, direction and a strategy along with the confidence to execute your plans.
- You’re reacting and responding rather than leading and directing.
- You have limiting beliefs that are holding you back from reaching your full potential.


Why me?
l’ve launched, founded and co-founded 7 businesses across two continents in the last two decades. They have all been in different markets with very different target audiences. Using my strategic and analytically mind allowed me to launch and grow these businesses to the point of successfully exiting.
Basically, l grow businesses like yours using technology and digital marketing as my tools. To make it even more interesting, l look for opportunities for growth that doesn’t always sit in my areas of specialism but l do connect you with businesses and individuals that can assist, l’m nice like that!
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